Friday, March 13, 2009

Watch This Space. . .Home Despots

As the tag line above mentions, there will be some home decor on this DC style blog. Not only I am I continually impressed with the growing fashion scene in DC, but the home decor side is doing better and better as well.

A Washingtonian home can involve furniture from a variety of local sources. . .from antiques in Georgetown, modern furniture on 14th and U, and flea market finds at Eastern Market. The options are pretty much endless.

But more important then the options to buy, is the style with which it is used.

Washingtonian homes are fantastic. No one else in the bloggy-webby is talking about it, but here at DC Style Blender we will in our bi-monthly feature called "Home Despots."

Like our "Who, What, Wore" feature there will be photographs of four significant settings within the home and of course questions, some style related and some silly.

Email me at if you or someone you know is willing to show their home on our "Home Despots" feature.

I look forward to hearing from you kittens. Meanwhile, watch this space for the "Home Despots" near you.

X to the O!!

Image courtsey of Eric Piasecki Photography.

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