Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog of the Week Plug - Sea of Shoes

Long before I decided I wanted to blog I lurked, read, perused, and reviewed hundreds of blogs. Why you ask, well because research is key in all endeavors, shopping included, but more on that later. . .With millions of people blogging it is a daunting task to pick the best, but here at DC Style Blender, I am your go to girl for the best of all things style related.

So, once a week I will pick a blog, give a small description, a link, and my personal nickname for the blogger. Because nicknames are cute. Natch. Later on in the week I will show you, dear readers, how best to translate the chosen blogs admittedly edgy fashions into a wearable functional DC look. Because well...we are more conservative here and that is just the way it is.

So without further ado, I give you my blog pick of the week. Enjoy and please comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Toodles kittens! xoxo

Blog Name: Sea of Shoes
Blog Writer: Jane
Nickname: Dakota Fanning of Fashion

Content: High end chic shoes, mixed with over the top vintage finds, an enviable array of accessories, and a courageous silhouette choices. The girl is just bad. I mean, bad as in badass. At 17 years old she has more style, knowledge, and presence then most will ever have. And she is funny and nice too! Plus I believe Jane has the world's cutest mom and fashion partner. They are a fantastic duo. Jane has the wit to pair Prada with Anthropology and add splashes of Forever 21. A recent purchase of Martin Margiela Cut Out Boots made me reconsider a whole type of shoe option as possible and totally needed for my own wardrobe. Touted by Lucky, Teen Vogue, and various bloggers in the world webby, it is a given that Jane will be a serious Somebody in the fashion world by the age of 25. Which is why I call her the Dakota Fanning of the Fashion World. She is the child leader and honestly I'd follow her style anywhere it would lead.
Images courtesy of Sea of Shoes.

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