Friday, April 17, 2009

Blog Plug of The Week - The Vintage Society

Hi there poodles! It is time for our blog of the week pick. Get excited cause she is the coolest chick since Woodstock! Let us know your thoughts by email or comment cause we love to hear from you!!


Blog Name: The Vintage Society
Blog Writer: Beth Jones
Nickname: For Reals Boho Chic Chick

Content: As I have mentioned before, I am sick of certain terms that are misapplied and overused in the fashion world. . .Fashionista is one of them, another one is Boho Chic. So often this phrase covers a sad mix of flower prints, moccasin shoes, and patchouli smelling fringed leather bags. Rarely is it truly chic. But on the blog Vintage Society, the blogger Beth Jones is the perfect person for the term Boho Chic. She combs flea markets, thrift stores, the mall, and the internet for the best mix of vintage and classic options I have ever seen. Her style is a little bit country, a dab of rock and roll, and a ton of sexy heels. Which is why I call her my For Reals Boho Chic Chick. She deserves the title and she is the queen vintage treasures.

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